About the Bach family

The Bach family
Everything about the most important members of the family of musicians
The Bach family
Everything about the most important members of the family of musicians
The Bach family
Everything about the most important members of the family of musicians
Johann Sebastian Bach – A chronology
Everything you want to know about J. S. Bach.
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach was born on 22 November 1710 and was the eldest son of Johann Sebastian Bach.
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach was born in 1714 in Weimar. In the second half of the eighteenth century, J. S. Bach's second-eldest son was actually better known than his father.
Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach
Johann Christoph Friedrich, known as the »Bückeburg Bach«, was born in Leipzig on 21 June 1732.
Johann Christian Bach
Johann Christian Bach, the youngest son of Johann Sebastian Bach, was born in 1735 in Leipzig.